2 Popular Supplements and Their Benefits 

2 Popular Supplements and Their Benefits 

There are tons of supplements on the market making bold claims on what they can do for you and your workouts, so how many of them are necessary or even live up to their claim? With a healthy well-rounded diet supplementation is not typically necessary, and we cover most of our daily needs within the foods we eat.  However, how often are we maintaining this healthy well-rounded diet daily? How many times do athletes forget to grab a snack between school and practice or even plan to eat a proper breakfast or lunch? With the busy schedule that young athletes have, it is tough to get all the right foods in and make sure our body has what it needs for optimal performance and recovery. Here are two supplements that have been researched heavily and can be utilized to enhance your training and performance.



Creatine, typically creatine monohydrate, is one of the most popular and widely studied supplements on the market and is found naturally in animal meats, such as red meats, poultry and seafood. In a study done in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, they found that athletes that consume meat products typically average 1-2 grams of creatine daily. While non-vegetarian athletes receive this in their normal diet, a supplement of additional creatine has its added benefits when it comes to many performance traits. Supplementation of creatine has been shown to enhance or increase:

·      Lean mass and muscular strength

·      Recovery from training

·      Sprint Performance

·      Cognitive function


For a wide range of physical performance improvements, caffeine in a proper dosage gets the job done. In a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, they found that the benefits range from short burst high intensity exercises (<1min) to longer endurance events (>90min), and they recommended to ingest between 3-6mg/kg BW. Benefits from caffeine supplementation, no more than 60min prior to exercise, include:

·      Aerobic endurance enhancement

·      Ergogenic aid for cognitive function

·      Improvements in strength, sprinting and jumping

While these benefits have been proven by many different research articles, it is important to consider your own needs and monitor how your body handles these supplements. Moderation is key when taking any supplement.