Hydration and the Athlete

Hydration and the Athlete

Every athlete wants to ensure their body is capable of peak performance come game time. In order to do that we must start with a good foundation of health and provide what the body needs, one of the most important being water!

            Most of the body is made of water and for good reason. It protects and cushions vital organs, regulates body temperature, assists in breakdown of food to provide energy, and allows other systems to operate properly so you can focus and maintain performance.  While proper hydration is already important for everyday activity, as you add in exercise and high intensity sports the demand for water increases even more.

            Fluid loss will change depending on how much you sweat, duration or intensity of the sport or workout, temperature of the environment, and altitude. As these factors increase so will your rate of fluid loss.  

What To Watch For:

            When participating in intense practices or games be sure to watch for these signs that could indicate an onset of dehydration.

●      Muscle fatigue

●      Lack energy

●      Cramps

●      Headaches

●      Urine color (aim for pale yellow)

●      Increase in heart rate

General Recommendations:

● Hydrate consistently throughout the day

○      Women 90+ ounces and men 125+ ounces

○      Can include fruits and vegetables high in water

● Before sport 2 to 3 hours before: 16 ounces (about 1 water bottle) and 15 minutes before: 8 ounces

● During sport 4 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes (2 to 3 large gulps)

● After sport 16 to 20 ounces of fluid for every pound lost (1 to 1½ water bottles per pound lost)


            *With an increase in temperature, intensity, or duration these it is encouraged to not only meet these recommendations, but also increase as necessary.