
3 Recovery Foods to Consider After Your Workouts

If your body is your vehicle, then food is its primary fuel. However, not all fuel is created equal. Certain foods can set you soaring for hours while others will “faceplant” you in 15 minutes. So, what should we be eating to truly charge the body through its days of running, cycling, swimming, skiing, dancing, or any type of sustained workout?

Sleep and Recovery Go Hand in Hand

Good sleep one of the cornerstones of health. Six to eight hours per night seems to be the optimal amount of sleep for adults. Many recommend more for developing athletes (seven to nine hours). Too much or too little sleep can have adverse effects on your health. Sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that you might not even realize you suffer from it.

10 Tips for Better Sports Nutrition and Recovery

When you eat properly, you have more energy, sleep better, enhance your recovery after practices and games, and improve your overall performance. Many athletes think proper nutrition is complicated. This is not the case. Keep these 10 simple principles in mind as you plan your day and what you are going to eat.