
Pre-Event Eating: When and How Much?

Have you ever “bonked” or felt “flat” during your training or competition? There is a lot of hype and theories about pre-event meals but little scientific evidence to support them. This is probably because there are too many individual differences and other variables such as stress, age, time of day, exercise intensity, and duration to make across-the-board recommendations.

10 Low Cost Foods to Help Gain Muscle

If you have been trying to gain muscle for any length of time, you have probably figured out that training is only half of the equation. To gain quality muscular weight, you must take in more calories than you burn, with a significant portion of them coming from protein. This large food intake can be a huge drain on your wallet, especially when you already have monthly gym and other team related expenses. Here are 10, nutrientdense, muscle-building foods that will help you get the protein and calories you need without breaking the bank.

3 Recovery Foods to Consider After Your Workouts

If your body is your vehicle, then food is its primary fuel. However, not all fuel is created equal. Certain foods can set you soaring for hours while others will “faceplant” you in 15 minutes. So, what should we be eating to truly charge the body through its days of running, cycling, swimming, skiing, dancing, or any type of sustained workout?