Prevent the Ballet Pinch

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We have all felt that sudden jolt of pain in our low back when we try to raise our arabesque an inch or two higher! We affectionately call it THE BALLET PINCH. The ballet pinch comes from the compression and over-activation of a tiny back muscle- the quadratus lumborum (QL). This muscle is responsible for side bending/port de bras. But when fired incorrectly, the quadratus lumborum is the reason you feel the dreaded ballet pinch! 

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When QL is activated at the wrong time, it will change you alignment by lifting the entire lower leg up (red circle on photo). This creates less space between your hip and ribs making it harder to achieve a higher arabesque because you hit a ‘block’. The block is the ballet pinch feeling from the compression of the QL and nerves in the area. With continued over-activation of the QL the muscle will begin to notice your opposite knee is leaning in when you plie and your turnout may be smaller on that side. 

GOOD NEWS: This is preventable!!! 

How should you lift your leg to avoid the ballet pinch? It is all about your muscle activation. The proper pattern for engagement is:  

1. Gluteals 

2. Hamstring

3. Back 

 This patterning works by first engaging the gluteals to turnout the leg (maximizing the range of motion of the hip). The gluteals also begin the leg lift from 0º to 30º. Then the hamstrings activate to lift the leg to 90º or slightly above!  Finally, the muscles of the back can be used to assist in the range motion beyond 90º. It is important to know, the back muscles do not lift- they tilt the hips and raise the torso. 

So when you are working on improving your arabesque- work on your guteal activation and strength! Try exercises like: single leg glut bridge, standing donkey kicks, and clam shells.  


The One Muscle to Activate Stay on your Leg


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